Run 2283 Ruyton XI Towns

Run 2283 Hares: JK & Mary from The Talbot Inn Ruyton XITowns.

Well, it was the morning after Adrian & Linsey’s DH3 Dickensian Christmas Extravaganza and. JK took no chances & gave me an alarm call after reading tales of my exploits on my recent Pattaya hash trip. A great turnout and everyone looked fighting fit.  John laid a great trail in an area new to me.There was plenty of shiggy in the low lying land around the river but much better running territory as we climbed on to the high ground. There were some great vantage points looking out in to Wales and some nice views of rainbows too.

The trail seemed to have it all woods, bridleways and plenty of stiles and was a nicely planned trail which meant both runners and walkers finished together.

A quick towel down and into the pub for a pint we retired to the annex provided so we wouldn’t disturb the Sunday Diners or the footballers!

As a Joules pub I was looking forward to a pint of Green Monkey, but unfortunately they had beer issues and all that was on was Slumbering Monk, – not to everyone’s taste.

With everyone back and with drinks in hand, or cups of tea or coffee, it as Circle Time.  Joint Master for the day Tiny Tina after her storming performance at the Christmas party called the pack to order.

Down Downs for the Hares JK & Mary, everyone enjoyed the trail today. Next Down Downs for a pair of Hash Crashers,  Jane & Andi who both fell on a tricky piece of ground covered in deep leaf litter which covered ankle breaking holes, very lucky pair though they didn’t think so after having another half of Slumbering Monk!

Before the raffle we had an announcement from Ron C. aboutnext week then over to Mary the Raffle Mistress.  Today’s big winners in the Toblerone raffle, Mark & Wendy.

John & Mary had provided some excellent sandwiches and a very warming vegetable soup which everyone enjoyed. Eventually the pack dispersed to carry on with Sunday stuff.

My day finished well though with a couple of pints of Old Rosie at The Tiddly with John & Mary.

Next week’s Hare is Ron C. meet at Carding Mill Valley Long Mynd.