The Cock Inn at Woodseaves Hares: Rob and Dasher.

Storm Erik (The Irish Met Office really like to give their storms catchy names) had battered us on Saturday and overnight heavy rain followed how much of the trail would survive? Traveling up with JK and Mary this morning some of the roads were awash with run off from fields so it did not bode well. We arrived at The Cock Inn early only beaten by Jim P, but the small car park was filling up quickly with people arriving to enjoy a pub breakfast.So with limited parking some of the late comers had to resort to on street parking. We welcomed back a couple of our regular four pawed canine Hashers Benson and Millie.It was also good to see Pablo & our JM Paula back with us this week, and after being away for a couple of weeks we also welcomed back Pete & Chris who had been away for some warm weather training.

The clock was ticking down but we were still missing a Hare, where was Dasher he was cutting it fine, would Rob be Haring a solo trail? Thankfully Dasher made his entrance and we could finally get the show on the road. The Hares were ready to give the Pack the word, Rob announced the trail was laid in flour with all the usual signs.Before we could set off Rob then added that we could have issues with trail being tampered with, but I won’t go into that here.Any trail laid in these circumstances would be an achievement, but making the most of all the local features Rob and Dasher came up with an interesting trail, I will leave the quality of the r*n to the Pack at the Circle.
The trail took the Pack out of Woodseaves and into the country where under a darkening sky we followed the trail down Lodge Lane where we came to a footpath but had the check been rubbed out?

Checking out this path I finally found a mark and we were on trail again.This took the Pack across a field and down to A519. The next check would take the Pack down onto the Shropshire Union Canal Main Line.

We followed the canal eventually coming out on Grub Street where the Pack re-grouped before picking up the trail again. This part of the trail ran parallel to the canal along a greasy track with tree roots and a slightly un-even surface which meant tricky footing with the added jeopardy of a large drainage ditch to fall in.We left this path crossing a wooden bridge into a very wet field before tackling a stile surrounded by ankle deep shiggy.

From here the trail skirted a field in which a herd of inquisitive cattle took a great interest in these strange people, and Benson was very well behaved. Coming off the fields I followed a long check which turned out to be a False Trail before chasing back and following the Pack out and onto High Offley Road. This last section was a pretty straight tarmac run which eventually took the Pack back on to the Newport Road and home.
After a quick towel down and change into a dry t-shirt it was off inside to a nice warm pub and a pint.The Bar at The Cock Inn was very snug with all the Pack in and several other patrons who were not put off by a rowdy bunch of Hashers, the bar had a great selection of beers including Marston EPA, Pedigree, Wainwrights & for the second week running a personal favourite Ludlow Gold. With the Pack back Mary was busy selling her raffle tickets and her table was groaning under a pile prizes for those lucky winners. With those who had found a seat sitting comfortably and everyone else standing drinks in hand we welcomed back our Joint Master Paula to Circle duties.

Down Down’s The Hares, Paula asked what did everyone think about trail? It was too muddy, too wet and too many snowdrops, but we are Hashers and the trail got a thumbs up and the Hares got their Down Down’s.Give the Hares a note, ‘Here’s to them they’re true blue……’
Today we also welcomed guests Mike and Lynda members of Malvern H3 and Wyre Forest H3 who broke off their journey and stopped to Hash with us.Even better as they chased us down to catch up with us on trail, thanks guys it was a pleasure and look forward to seeing you again on the trail.

The final Down Down came as a surprise as it was for me and my Rasta Beanie, cue a torrent of Bob Marley lyrics. Some people have too much time on their hands, Thanks Rob.
With Down Down’s over and before we could hand over to Mary the pub bought out the food, Hares provided a luxury chilli rice and chips courtesy of the pub at I am told a very reasonable rate and with plenty for seconds. Raffle Sorry but due to the euphoria over winning another Twin Peaks bar I forgot to record details of the other winners. Though I believe someone won a very smart yellow Hash baseball cap. It was also nice to see our visitors went away winners, how does Mary do this?I think at this point I realized we had been a man down, Ian had been ploughing a loan furrow but made it back hope he got some food. So after another great Hash it came time to move on a rescue a hard working farmer for a beer at The Tiddly. On On FINGERLESS
Next weeks Hare: Mr Pink meet at The George & Dragon in Much Wenlock TF13 6AA Park in the pay & display car park at rear of the pub